– Coordinatori Proff. Livia Salvini, Giuseppe Melis e Dott. Eugenio Ruggiero.
The EUCOTAX (European Universities COoperating on TAXes) is an intensive programme based on the desire of the participating universities (Luiss Guido Carli; Uppsala Universitet; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Universitat de Barcelona; Georgetown University; Universität Osnabrück; Universiteit van Tilburg; Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne; Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem; Universitas Varsoviensis; Universitas Lodzensins) to set up a permanent structure in order to stimulate the instruction in and research on European aspects of Tax law.
The main subject area of the programme is the European Harmonization of Tax Law. Within this framework a course was held in Tilburg (NL) in 1993 on ‘The Relationship between Fiscal and Commercial Accounts’. The course was set up as a try-out by the universities of Hamburg, Paris and Tilburg. Following its success, the number of participating universities was then extended with the addition of Leuven and London in 1993/94. LUISS joined the programme for the 1995/96 edition, upon the initiative of professor Franco Gallo. In the same year, Barcelona joined as well. Vienna joined the network during the 1997/1998-course. Georgetown joined the Eucotax-network in 2001 and Budapest in 2004. Uppsala has been participating since 2009. The network extended in 2010 with new members from Poland; Warsaw and Lodz. Ultimately, the participants’ intention is to cover the entire European Union.
The 2011 edition was held at LUISS University from 6 to 15 April 2011 and the students discussed the subject Global finance and taxation “Financial and Economic Crisis and the Role of Taxation”.